Sunday, January 4, 2009

One week to build up strength

     After four weeks spent mostly in bed, I am suddenly feeling better -- feeling like being downstairs, looking forward to going someplace -- anyplace -- other than the hospital. Relieved that the advice the infusion nurse gave me (blame discomfort on the medication, not on the cancer) seems to be apt: the side effects of the last chemo I had, on Dec. 26, apparently are dissipating. It's not the fentanyl that's had me down, or even the tumor. Now that I have causality, I can plan around it and not worry (so much) about it. 
     What's different is hard to quantify. I am still terribly weak, from being in bed and not eating well. (Lost a couple more pounds in the last four weeks, which made Dr. J frown.) But my stomach does not feel knotted up and I can eat two scrambled eggs without a terrible gurgling, full sensation. Yesterday I ate breakfast; took a shower without feeling lightheaded; tidied up the front parlor; got dressed (including earrings and lipstick); hosted my lifelong friend KK and her sweetheart, who stopped through town on their way somewhere else; ate some salmon M had smoked; played with A; ate a normal amount of salad; had ice cream for dessert; watched a movie with M; and didn't go back upstairs until a reasonable adult time (11:00). In other words, if you discount the two-hour nap after breakfast, pretty fucking close to normal. 
     Classes start a week from tomorrow. My goals are to write fiction every day, and to build up my strength enough to get my ass to campus, park, walk, and be in class from 5:15 - 9:40 (two classes back-to-back on Mondays). 
     Me me me. Yawn. M just walked in sans A (who went to lunch at a friend's house) and with the Sunday NYT. There's a nice afternoon unfolding in front of us, and perhaps I'll have something to say about a subject besides my own damn self in the next post. 
     Here's to 2009.


Anonymous said...

Yay! Great news. Here's to 2009 indeed.

But why are you eating salads? Shouldn't you be eating like. . . corned beef hash with home fries and a side of buttered bread? Followed by a steak with a side of steak? And maybe a chocolate sundae for dessert? Do I need to ship you some Omaha steaks? I owe M a bottle of fernet (don't worry, its 'medicine') but maybe I should send marbled meat instead.

E. said...

Marbled meat! Oy, my innards.

You'll be thrilled to learn that M and I both had a hankering for salad after all the pure animal fat we'd been cramming into our pretty faces the last four weeks. In our house, Brie has become a condiment. Great with bagels, of course, but have you tried it with eggs? Turkey sandwiches? Fries? Melted and drizzled over ice cream?

I'm going to develop new packaging for Brie, like a tub of margarine, and call it I Can't Believe It's Even Tastier Than Butter.

Anonymous said...

Nice. I'm thinking bandolier belt with alternating mini red wine bottles and tubes of gruyere.


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