Sunday, March 1, 2009

Facebook Freakout, and Snow

  • For the first time in three years, we're getting enough snow to play in. Roads closed, run on the market for bread and milk, school doubtless canceled tomorrow. (Obamas will ridicule!) A has never really seen snow. Lotta squealing going on around here this afternoon. It is beautiful -- the snow, and the delight.
  • I dipped my toe into the Facebook puddle and got sucked into an ocean of webby goodness. Overwhelming, and I don't know what I'm doing (who can see what, etc.) and it's really, really cool. Apparently everyone I've ever met beat me to it and checks it incessantly, judging by the mountain of friending that happened in a five hour period. Wow. I wriggled through a wormhole.
  • The snow makes me crazy-happy. M and A just came in; A is laughing/crying over her frozen extremities, and giggling with tales of snowballing her friend Gigi's door, and having no proper snow shoes. Poor kid went out in patent leather Mary Janes. M is brewing some chili. Very cozy.
  • A just made an announcement ("May I please have everybody's intention?"): Tonight, we are all to wear our pajamas backwards and flush an ice cube down the toilet, in order to bring on the accumulation.

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