Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Ten things about my father

My father's name was Gus. Among other things, I remember that he loved:
  1. Naked Lady Night in Waterford -- Nude model, artist friends, sketchbooks, and an egg timer. And wine.
  2. Ideas -- Politics, astronomy, mathematics, economics
  3. His own half-baked theories, presented with conviction -- "I just told you a fact!"
  4. Taking a scorching-hot bath in the late afternoon
  5. Great American and European cities -- San Francisco, New Orleans, Quebec, London, Copenhagen, Prague, Florence
  6. Food and wine -- red wine and red meat prepared "almost bloody" at fine restaurants, or dinner at Eleanor's farm or the Pink House
  7. Painting, drawing, playing the piano
  8. Silliness -- John Cleese, Martin Short, Jon Stewart
  9. Alabama football -- The decal of on the back window of his 1968 Chrysler was Bear Bryant walking on water, with the slogan: "I believe."
  10. His family and friends -- His brother Henry, his wife Faye, me and Hopie, Eleanor, Eleanor's granddaughters (who called him Grandfriend), his granddaughter A (who knew him as Grappa), all the Waterford women who cheerfully spoiled him rotten (who knew they were being totally played), Victor, Harry, Chuck, Clayton, Allen, Andy, and M.


dontwannaname said...

That's a nice, comprehensive list.

Only thing you forgot is dogs.


Anonymous said...

Oh gosh. I am loving your blog and really having some tears over this one about your Papa.

xoxo L.A.


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