Thursday, October 23, 2008

So over it

     I haven't written as regularly in the last week or so for several reasons. The Republicans have jumped the shark -- or, more precisely, continue to jump the shark, over and over again, day after day. Just when you think it cannot possibly get more shrill or ridiculous, out comes some random asshole suggesting Palin's big shopping accident is somehow eclipsed by Obama's use of his campaign plane to fly to Hawaii to visit one of the two most important women in his life, the grandmother who raised him, who is on the verge of death. And look, over there is Nancy Pfuckinpooter insisting that oh I can't even tell what evil she is trying to weave on MSNBC today, I'm too weary and disgusted to follow along with these desperate blowhards. Not to mention the candidates, one of whom (and she shall remain nameless) cannot define "preconditions" in the context of international relations or, shit, anything else, and who thinks elitist refers to "anybody who thinks they're better than anyone else." GAH. I am ready for the circular firing squad to commence. Please, God, let the Earth spin off its axis just long enough to create a 12-day rip in the time-space continuum; I'll gladly forfeit the next two weeks if it'll spare the nation this stinking nonsense. Really, am I the only one who could use a nice long nap? Not even my vast supply of nerve pills, generously dispensed, seems to be helping.
     The other thing is that I feel like crap most days, which is not conducive to writing about feeling like crap. I have a chemo scheduled for tomorrow, and I have to say -- bring it on. Very anxious about this week on, week off pattern. As in politics, two weeks is an eternity and the bastards may just have enough time to get the best of us. So, scared.
     We're throwing a birthday party for A on Sunday afternoon, for which I am trying to gather, or at least conserve, energy. For reasons unknown to me or M, she has taken to calling herself "Hip-hop," so the sheet cake we ordered (M usually makes the birthday cake, but we're going low-effort this year) will feature a festive pink Hello Kitty motif and the message, "Happy Birthday, Hip-hop!" I adore my almost-six-year-old girl.

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