Thursday, October 9, 2008

Welcome to the Not So Great Depression

     Oh, I was all set to write funny, but then I turned on the TV and watched the whole goddamn economy crumble in, like, an hour, and now I'm in no mood.
     Brothers and sisters all over the world are in a blind spastic panic, unloading their investments and driving down the markets. Cashing out their bank accounts. Stuffing bills under mattresses. Opening wide to tweezer gold fillings into little cups. Pilfering their own copper pipes. Jesus.
     Rumor at school is that SaPa is coming to our little hamlet for a Hate-a-Thon sometime in the next week. I'm still waiting for her to explain (or be asked -- psssst, Couric: HINT) how Obama will "diminish the prestige of the presidency," while the close association of her own snowbilly lapdog Tard (Todd?) with the AIP will somehow elevate the reputation that W has methodically shredded in the last eight years. Grumpy Old McCain is back at it with the Ayers crap in a shameless effort to salvage a Straight Talk Express whose wheels came off weeks ago and whose smoldering carcass is still stinking up the bottom of the canyon. 
     None of this is enough to really do me in today -- I'm feeling like a shiny new nickel after the bloodsucking a couple days ago. But the cumulative effect, combined with the attempt to demonize, otherize, that one-ize, didja know he's black, wink? the honorable, patriotic, classy Obamas is so far beyond despicable I can't really get my head around it. I've been politically aware since about 1968, and I've never, never been so saddened by overt ugliness such as the McCain camp is launching, and its rabid supporters lapping up like blood-starved hounds. It's gone beyond insinuation to straight-up racism and fear-mongering. [This links to an elegant articulation by Seth Abramson of the real danger and potential legal implications of Palin's inflammatory rhetoric. An informative -- and chilling -- read.]
     Please, Mrs. Palin, explain how this elevates the prestige of the presidency. 
     Chemo is on for tomorrow; we're going to try alternating weeks and begging the insurance gods to pay for Procrit. 


Anonymous said...

It's good to come over here and catch up -- I'd rather read you than anyone else on the election. I did enjoy seeing Joe Biden do that "in my neighborhood if you have something to say about me, you say it to my face" thing. It was somehow heartening. Maybe because it's so not the usual tone taken by our party.

Today's Friday, hope you get a good rest after your chemo, and that your writing goes well.

Much lovexoxo, Lily

E. said...

Shucks, Lily, thanks. My writing is going okay (two rejections today notwithstanding), but I'm not doing as much work on the novel as I'd like. Busy week.

*Your* writing is worth a big fat celebration! Congratulations on your story forthcoming in Southern Humanities Review and on your commitment to revising your novel. (I admire your discipline, I really do. May I borrow it sometime?)

It's Friday night: McCain just insisted Obama is not an Arab, but a "decent family man, a citizen" (unlike Arabs?); the bipartisan Troopergate report finds Palin violated the public trust, a fact which the Palin peeps are blithely ignoring; and Wall Street panic virtually guarantees that the concept of retirement as we know it will be rendered quaint in short order. Golden Years indeed. Would you like fries with that?

But! But! I'm always heartened to hear from you, nice lady, and to absorb your optimism. Thank you for the nice note.



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