Sunday, December 7, 2008

Citizen's arrest for public stupidity

     In the Sunday NYT, Timothy Egan crawls way out onto the elitist limb where I and many others have perched, squirming, lo these last eight years, averting our gaze as the seeds of anti-intellectualism sprouted into an insidious, full-on clusterfuck of stone idiocy in hardback and trade paperback. Hyperbole aside, it's nice to have some company out here; someone who is willing and able to get published his spot-on indignation over those meatheads, presumably in possession of opposable thumbs but nevertheless lacking the ability to rub a noun and a verb together, who insist on sucking up the oxygen in American bookstores. All two of them.
     It's not that I begrudge idjits their God-given right to large advances, publicists, and marketing. It's that these historically precious resources -- the advances, not the idjits -- have become practically extinct in the last, what?, week, since the publishing industry went off the rails and onto life support. Yes, it was largely self-inflicted (see "last eight years" above), and precipitated by the Not So Great Depression, certainly. Still. The choice to offer Whalin' Sarah Palin a seven-figure book deal while edging out, I don't know, me, is hardly a moral dilemma on the scale of Sophie's Choice. Who shall thrive in difficult times? The fittest! Who shall be published in a whack market? The writer! Who shall be left to do the necessary work of fixing toilets? Joe the Motherfucking Plumber!
     See? Not so hard.


delete said...


Problem is, in this Not So Great Depression, people will most definitely buy a book penned by Sarah Palin and notJoe the notPlumber, but literature is a gamble.

Now Sam the Plumber's Apprentice won't have much to say, because his entire political "career" is comprised of walking out and challenging Obama's tax plan with a (forgive the pun) pipe scheme to buy the company he worked for.

Palin, however, could use this opportunity to write her political ideologies, like President-Elect Obama did with "Audacity of Hope," which explains why he has the views he does, how he sees government and what he thinks we as a country should do. Problem is, Palin didn't teach Constitutional law, and she has only served as governor of the third-least-populated state in the Union and lacks the understanding (and experience) to write about the plurality of our nation.

My guess is Palin's book will be an autobiography, and if there's any ideology, it will parrot the failed neoconservative agenda. It'll be the "Chinese Democracy" of political memoirs from someone who hasn't done anything yet.

So, fellow writer, hang in there. This is trigger time for us. I'm working on a nonfiction book when I have time, fully understanding it might not find a publisher when it's done because they won't be publishing books anymore; but we scribes write for the big picture, the future, right?

Hang in there (cue kitten/branch pic).

E. said...

Rim shot re: pipe scheme! And I'll see your cute kitten and raise you a Keep On Truckin' foot.

Nice to see you here,


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