Tuesday, November 18, 2008


     Well, putting it off will bite you in the butt every time. 
  1. I've put off paying bills this month, and -- woopsie! -- Comcast got so testy they disassembled the series of tubes that connects our house to the Interwebs. (I'm writing this from campus.)
  2. I've also had great success this past week putting off the novel writing. So much so that I have a chapter due tonight for Workshop tomorrow... and as is apparent, I'm blogging instead.
  3. I have piles of emails to go through. 
  4. I'm wearing superstylish ca. 1997 jeans because I've made such a project of laundry it just seems too, too much. I don't even have to schlep it anywhere; we have a lovely washer and dryer in a huge laundry room on the second floor of our house. Literally, it takes three minutes to get a load going. Too much. 
  5. Ancillary to Point 1 above (am I using that word correctly?) is that I have put off sending a chunky October invoice on a freelance job. Getting paid would certainly make paying bills less stressful. 
  6. Now that the election is over, M and I are in negotiations with our souls over whether to ditch cable TV. Part of what makes that idea palatable, in addition to the savings, is that pretty much everything is available for free viewing on the Internets. That is, as long as one pays the Comcast bill on time. Also, we have not actually sat down with the Comcast bill to see how much money we would, in fact, save because, um, it's a bill, and I'm putting off looking at bills.


ComcastCares1 said...

I check with my contacts to see if we have a discounted package for you. Hopefully, there is a package that will allow you to keep your cable and internet at a discounted price.

Please feel free to contact me if you would like me to assist.

Best Regards,

Mark Casem
Comcast Corp.
National Customer Operations

Anonymous said...



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