Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Still more things that help me feel strong

  1. Paying bills; having enough left over to get to Oct. 1
  2. The change of light that comes with the Southern fall; whiter, lower, but every bit as intense as the blue of May, the gold of July
  3. Collecting seeds from waning morning glories and flowering tobacco
  4. Feeling like a rock star after a few days of puny
  5. Chalking up the rock star feeling to a vat of caffeinated Starbuck's and a big fuck-you to the directive to knock off the caffeine whilst in the company of Topo Gigio
  6. Anticipating A coming home, stepping up to M's camera tripod as though it's a microphone, and "reading" what she's dubbed The Daily News in a loud, disturbingly authoritative voice; "Today, we will count votes. How many voted for Barack Obama, raise your hands, great, Hillary Clinton? Great. Kindergarten is adopting a live fox who lives at the zoo, please give money, that is all of the news."
  7. Friends and admired writers who drop by this blog to encourage and compliment; lifts me like helium; thank you
  8. Skipping out on poetry workshop but getting a note from my greatly admired poet-instructor declaring she "cannot wait to discuss" my poetry with me; more helium
  9. Wearing vintage Nikes and blue jeans and running around campus sans pain meds; no pain; more helium
  10. Getting shit done; picking up A's vaccination records from the pediatrician; stopping by the circulation desk to confess I've misplaced a library book; catching a really nice break from the guy at the circulation desk (he renewed the book, so no fines); billing freelance clients; reading manuscripts for novel workshop tomorrow night; getting out of my own head; feeling as though I can do this; I can do this; I can do this

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

E, for some reason your list made ME feel strong, and i didn't even do any of it!

I loved that picture of the anchorwoman reading the news. She's great.

xo, L


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