Monday, September 15, 2008

Yet more things that help me feel strong

  1. Finishing and turning in the first draft of the first chapter of my first novel to my novel workshop mates. Even if it's caca, it's done. It was an unexpected shitload of work, much more difficult than I'd anticipated.
  2. Having a new poem almost complete for poetry workshop tomorrow night. Ahead of the curve. Writing poetry is a shitload of work, too, but I guess I'm not good enough at it to worry it down to a nub the way I did the novel chapter. Poetry: comparatively easy.
  3. Staying on top of pain with opiates. Knowing I can control it for now.
  4. Reading widely and finding that the number, depth and breadth of credibly reported articles exposing the McCain/Palin lies increases exponentially each day. 
  5. Understanding that I have not yet, but must in the near future, read credibly reported articles in conservative venues and hold my nose and delve into the shit-spout that appears credible to people who are predisposed to believe/agree with it -- i.e. Drudge, Fox News, etc. "Reading eclectically" as my father-in-law puts it.
  6. Knowing my limits; deliberately dodging, for the time being, the gloom about Lehman Bros, Merrill Lynch, Fannie, Freddie. Pulling a Palin and eschewing knowledge!
  7. Eating nerve pills. Proceeding as normal.
  8. Helping A look for "sparkle babies," also known as "twinklies," above the transoms. (These, I gather, are baby fairies.) Knowing she is this close to being sure it's all make believe, but remains eager to suspend her disbelief.
  9. Keeping the potted plants lush and thriving: lavender, basil, clematis, cucumbers, peppers, impatiens, jasmine, begonias, cereus, morning glories, blooming tobacco -- all breathing, all beautiful.
  10. Not flinching at three short fiction rejection notices in one day. Deleting the emails. Submitting the stories to other journals. Forgetting about them. (sorta)


Anonymous said...


The rejection slips must be archived in a plastic pockets type folder clearly labelled "HAH! ... those fools".

Some people collect stamps. Or egg cups. Collecting rejection slips is sooo much cooler.


E. said...

R, if I'd be overrun if I kept them all. But I'll gladly donate mine to your collection!

I have become better lately at thinking, "Their loss." Not as snazzy as your folder label, but the sentiment is the same.

Here's to collecting fawning acceptance letters. And skads of shapely checks.

Nice to see you,


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